Technical Data Transfer Tape, self adhesive on both sides adhesive:                   Acrylic thickness:                 0.13 mm carrier:                         Polyester-foil release liner:                        Silicone paper shear strength static 23°C:  15 N/625 mm² shear strength dynamic:  70 N/cm² adhesive strength:          15 N/25 mm temperature range:  -30°C bis +150°C resistance to ageing:  excellent resistance to condensate:  excellent resistance to softeners:  excellent Please inquire for width and roll length, many different types are availabale. Product information Transfer tape consists of a polyester foil with acrylic adhesive on both sides. Very good adhesion on smooth and rough surfaces. Transfer tape sticks excellent on plastic, wood and metal surfaces. Application For sticking of metal, wood, plastic and foam in construction and industry. Installation Surfaces to be sealed must be sound, dry and free of oil, grease, laitance, rust and other foreign material that would prevent proper adhesion. Temperature of installation from +18°C to +35°C (+64.4°F to +95°F). Also applicable at low temperature. The information provided herein is based on average values under normal conditions. It does not dispense the buyer (user) from conducting tests of suitability for the envisaged application. Home